24.08.2017     Florin Dumitrescu

How can foreign legal entities acquire the right of ownership outside the build-up area lands in Romania?

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Starting with 01.01.2014, foreign companies and foreign citizens members of the European Union and the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) will be able to acquire agricultural land, forests, and forest land, without any additional conditions.

We remind you that until now, agricultural lands, forests, and forest lands could be acquired only by foreign citizens members of the European Union and the European Economic Area who have the quality of farmers in the state of origin and prove this quality by presenting the farmer certificate. issued by the authorities of their home state.

For detailed information write to us at [email protected] 

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Revista Ta de Educatie in Imobiliare si Constructii


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Eu sunt Florin Dumitrescu si cred ca am o mare doza de naivitate si idealism. Idealism si naivitate. Desi pare o prezentare tinuta la Asociatia Idealistilor Anonimi, de fapt nu e decat o justificare, poate neverosimila a crearii acestei reviste. Da. Am creat aceasta revista in speranta naiva de a indrepta lucrurile (care trebuie sa recunoastem, nu merg foarte bine) in afacerile imobiliare.

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