17.04.2017     Florin Dumitrescu

How can I evict the tenant who did not pay my rent?

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According to art. 1831 of the new Romanian Civil Code, the eviction of the tenant is made based on a court decision.

Also according to the law, the tenant is obliged to pay the rent provided in the contract until the date of effective release of the house, as well as to repair the damages of any nature caused to the landlord until that date.

In the absence of a prohibition stipulated in the contract, other persons may also live with the tenant. In this case, they will be held jointly and severally for any of the obligations arising from the contract.

The termination, for any reason, of the lease contract, as well as the court decision to evacuate the tenant produces effects and are executed against all persons who live, with or without title, together with the tenant.

For detailed information write to us at [email protected].

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Revista Ta de Educatie in Imobiliare si Constructii


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Eu sunt Florin Dumitrescu si cred ca am o mare doza de naivitate si idealism. Idealism si naivitate. Desi pare o prezentare tinuta la Asociatia Idealistilor Anonimi, de fapt nu e decat o justificare, poate neverosimila a crearii acestei reviste. Da. Am creat aceasta revista in speranta naiva de a indrepta lucrurile (care trebuie sa recunoastem, nu merg foarte bine) in afacerile imobiliare.

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